Individual Development Plan

All BU postdocs are required to develop and submit an individual development plan (IDP) annually, for each appointment year. IDPs are a customized roadmap for your professional training and goals and will enable you to make the most of your postdoctoral experience. This page contains information for postdocs ready to initiate this process.

Essential Information

What's Required

New postdoc or new PI: A new PI or postdoc appointment within BU requires a new IDP. Meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and review of goals are also advisable, as these plans are living documents that will evolve over time.

Subsequent years: While the plan for postdoc training for any subsequent years (up to five), can be built upon previous year’s plans, a revised IDP needs to be submitted for every year of postdoc training. We also highly recommend meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and goals.

How to Develop and Submit Your Plan (Instructions for Postdocs)

Step 1: Download PDPA’s IDP form. This fillable PDF is where you will gather your self-assessment notes, enter your goals, write your actionable plan for development, and align with your PI. The final form, signed by both you and your supervisor, is what you will eventually submit (via Qualtrics) to PDPA to fulfill your IDP requirement.

Step 2: Complete a self-assessment. This includes an assessment of skills, strengths, interests, and values using any of the following options:

Step 3: Develop your goals. Goals should be related to research, career, and professional development for the current year of postdoc training. Use your strengths, interests, and values assessment to inform your goals and enter your draft goals into the IDP form (fillable PDF).

Step 4: Set up an appointment with your PI/supervisor to share your self-assessment, review your proposed goals, and co-create your actionable IDP. You can make use of the prompts in the section below.

Step 5: Meet with PI and finish completing your IDP form. Postdoc and PI/supervisor meet to discuss, finalize, and sign the IDP.

Step 6: Upload and submit your completed IDP via Qualtrics form.

Prompts for Discussion between Postdocs & Faculty

Sample prompts for postdoc/PI discussion to prepare an actionable IDP:

Postdoc Academy also offers resources and prompts to help postdocs and faculty navigate mentoring conversations.

Forms & Resources

Self-Assessments and Forms

Sign up for an online workshop to begin your IDP

Postdocs can sign up to work on their strengths, interests and values self assessment and create a draft of their research, career and professional development goals.

Boston University Professional Development & Postdoctoral Affairs
One Silber Way, 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02215