Scholarships & Financial Assistance

At the very heart of our ethos at Plymouth College is the notion that this is a place ‘Where Everything Is Possible’. We pride ourselves on identifying pupils’ talents and then, using our expertise and experience, creating an environment in which pupils are nurtured and supported so that they are able to realise the full extent of their talents. Indeed, we want them to redefine their potential – to achieve more than they thought possible. And we want them to do so whilst they flourish academically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Our mission is to recruit talented pupils who demonstrate potential for excellence, whether their exceptional qualities are academic, in sport, in performing or creative arts or in a wide range of other activities. This is the purpose of our programme of scholarships. We offer a range of scholarships with concessions valued between 5% to 10% of school fees. We also recognise pupils with multiple talents with all-rounder awards.

Awards are offered to boys and girls joining Plymouth College senior school both at 11+ and 13+, as well as in the Sixth Form. In addition to academic scholarships, there are awards in Art, Drama, Music and Sport and candidates may be considered for awards in more than one category. All awards are index-linked, renewed annually and for the duration of the pupil’s time at Plymouth College, subject to satisfactory progress, conduct and participation.

Very importantly, we regard ourselves as a progressive, inclusive community so, at a time when social cohesion and mobility is more important than ever, we also offer financial assistance, in the form of as many means-tested bursaries as we are able to sustain, so that talented pupils who otherwise would not be able to afford to do so may access the fantastic education we have to offer.

If you believe that your son or daughter might be eligible for a scholarship or that your family may be eligible for financial assistance then please do not hesitate contact [email protected] for further information and support.

All Rounder Awards

We will make an offer of an All Rounder Scholarship for a pupil who has applied for more than one discipline and meets the criteria in at least two but preferably more of the above categories.

Academic Awards

Entry into Year 7

There are a number of academic scholarships awarded on the results of the Entrance Examination and a satisfactory academic reference from the current school. There is no separate Academic Scholarship paper.

Entry into Year 9

There are a small number of extra academic awards that are made on the basis of an examination and a satisfactory academic reference from the current school.

Entry into the Sixth Form

A small number of awards are available for new entrants and existing pupils to help with Sixth Form fees. They are awarded on interview, GCSE results and a satisfactory academic reference from the current school.

Sports Awards

Sports Awards are given to those boys and girls who have the potential to make an outstanding contribution to Sport at Plymouth College. These awards are intended to reward those whose ability in and commitment to sport will enhance the School’s reputation for excellence in this area. Candidates will be encouraged to show particular promise in one of the School’s main sports and other sports at a high level. Candidates should complete an application form and attend an assessment morning.

Art Awards

Candidates should submit a portfolio of their work assembled with the assistance of their Art staff. The portfolio should consist of no more than 5 pieces. It should demonstrate the candidate’s ability across a range of processes and techniques. If possible, we would prefer the work to be unframed. Candidates will be asked to complete an application form and may be called for interview. If applying for Year 7, candidates will sit a one hour art assessment.

Drama Awards

These are awarded to those boys and girls who are likely to play a leading part in theatre and drama productions at Plymouth College. As with other awards, a high level of promise and commitment must be demonstrated. Assessment will be by audition and interview. Prior to audition, candidates will be asked to complete an application form. Candidates will be provided with a short monologue and will be asked about their drama interests and experience.

Music Awards

Music awards are offered to candidates who are likely to become leading musicians at Plymouth College. Both instrumentalists and singers are encouraged to apply and while a high standard is naturally expected for a major award, awards are also given to those who may not be so advanced but who, nevertheless, show a high level of promise. As with other awards, a high level of commitment must be consistently demonstrated. Candidates will be asked to complete an application form. Guidance concerning the examination can be obtained from the Director of Music.

Head's Award

This award is for outstandingly talented children who do not necessarily fit into the previous categories; for example:

As well as having particular other talents, pupils would be expected to perform well in the Academic Scholarship exam. To apply for this scholarship, please write a letter to the Head outlining why your child should be accepted for this award, outlining your child’s particular aptitudes and achievements. Applicants will also be interviewed.

Financial Assistance

The Governors of Plymouth College are committed to broadening access to the School by offering eligible parents/guardians means-tested financial support for the payment of school fees. Such support is known as a bursary and bursaries may be awarded in the form of a discount. The total discount available (including bursary and any scholarships or other form of discount awarded) is 50% of gross tuition fees payable and boarding costs (if applicable) and is the maximum that the school will normally award. Any financial assistance will be dependent on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants.

Bursary awards are subject to repeat testing of parental means each year and may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on parental circumstances. Awards are made on the basis of the Plymouth College scale of awards which sets out award levels in relation to a family's financial circumstances. The scale of awards is reviewed and revised annually by the Bursar and Head to reflect any changes in fee costs. Though awards are generally tied to this scale, they may be varied upwards or downwards depending on individual parents'/guardians' circumstances (e.g. their savings, investments and realisable assets as well as their income, the size of their family, any other persons dependent upon them and like factors), compassionate or other pertinent considerations.

Requests for financial assistance usually fall into two categories:

For more information about financial assistance, including an application form, please contact our Registrar at: [email protected] .