Personal Property Forms

To access all Department of Local Government Finance forms please visit the State Forms Online Catalog available HERE.

If you desire to obtain a personal property form from a prior year, please contact the DLGF with your request.

State Form Form Title
(Form 103-Short)
Must be filed with Form 104.Business Tangible Personal Property Return
(Form 103-Long)
Must be filed with Form 104. For use by manufacturers or processors; if business personal property is greater than $150,000; if filer wishes to claim deductions other than enterprise zone or investment; if filer is claiming special adjustments (equipment not placed in service, special tooling, permanently retired equipment, or abnormal obsolescence).Business Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return
(Form 102)
Must be filed with Form 104.Farmer's Tangible Personal Property Assessment Return
(Form 104)
Must be filed with Form 102 or 103.Business Tangible Personal Property Return
53854 (Form 103-SR)For use by taxpayers with personal property in more than one township in a county. Must be filed with Form 104-SR.Single Return - Business Tangible Personal Property
(Form 104-SR)
Must be filed with Form 103-SR.Single Return - Business Tangible Personal Property
(Form 103-N Schedule 1)
For use in reporting all personal property in Schedule I or II held, possessed or controlled. Filed with Form 102 or 103.Information Return of Not Owned Personal Property
Form 103-O
For use when personal property is owned by the filer, but held, possessed or controlled by another person. Filed with Form 102 or 103.Information Return of Owned Personal Property
(Form 106)
For use in detailing adjustments. Must be filed with Form 103 or 102.Schedule of Adjustments to Business Tangible Personal Property Return
(Form 103-ERA)
Must be field with Form 103-Long to receive deduction.Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation Personal Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 103-T)
Must be filed with Form 103-Long.Return of Special Tools
(Form EZ-2)
For use in claiming personal property deduction for property in an Enterprise Zone.Enterprise Zone Investment Deduction Application
(Form CF-1/PP)
Must be filed with Form 103-ERA.Compliance with Statement of Benefits Personal Property
(Form SB-1/PP)
Must be submitted to the body designating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing.Statement of Benefits Personal Property
(Form 103-I)
For use in reporting true tax value of interstate carriers.Return for Interstate Carriers
(Form 103-P)
For use by Industrial Waste Control Facilities to claim an exemption from assessment. Must be filed with Form 103 to be reviewed.Claim for Exemption of Air or Water Pollution Control Facilities
(Form 103-SPD)
Supporting Schedule for Deduction of Assessed Valuation on a Personal Property Solar Power Device
(Form 103-EL)
Must be filed with new manufacturing and development, logistical distribution and/or IT equipment claimed on Form 103-ERA.Equipment List for New Additions to ERA Deduction Personal Property in Economic Revitalization Area
(Form 103-IT)
For use in claiming the exemption under IC 6-1.1-10-44.Claim for Exemption of Enterprise Information Technology Equipment
(Form 103-CTP)
Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Valuation Personal Property in Certified Technology Park

(Form 103-CTP/EL)

Must be filed when any new property is claimed on Form 103-CTPEquipment List for New Additions to CTP Deduction Personal Property in Certified Technology Park
(Form PP-CCP)
For use by manufacturers using recycled coal combustion products. Must be filed by May 15 with the County Auditor.Statement for Deduction of Assessed Valuation (Investment Property Purchased by Manufacturers of Recycled Coal Combustion Products)
(Form MOD-1)
For use in summarizing deductions from assessed value of property located in a Maritime Opportunity District. Must be filed with the Form 103.Application for Deduction from Assessed Valuation - Maritime Opportunity District
(Form 103-P5)
For use by integrated steel mill or entity that is at least 50 percent owned by an affiliate of an integrated steel mill; and falls within Asset Class 33.4Business Tangible Personal Property Depreciable Assets in Pool 5


(Form 103-P5/ERA)

Must be filed with Form 103-Long. A separate schedule must be completed for each approved abatement (Form SB-1/PP).Schedule of Deduction from Assessed Value Pool 5 Property in Economic Revitalization Area

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