Performance review phrases for employee evaluation (with examples)

performance review phrases

The purpose of employee performance reviews is to evaluate an employee’s work performance, provide feedback on strengths and areas for improvement, set goals for future development, and foster communication and alignment between employees and management regarding expectations and objectives. The important thing is to communicate feedback in a way that is objective as possible and easy for employees and managers to understand. This list of performance review phrases will help you conduct evaluations fairly and effectively.



performance review software

Performance review comments example

There are many different types of employee performance reviews, using a variety of performance management tools such as a 9-box grid. Another type of review employs 360 degree feedback which is a common feature of continuous performance management.

The way the phrases listed in this article could be used are demonstrated in the performance review comment example below:

During an annual employee performance review, a manager might provide a comment such as “John consistently demonstrates exceptional problem-solving skills, effectively resolving complex challenges.” This comment serves as an example of John’s strength in problem-solving and can be used to highlight his positive contributions and areas of expertise within the team. Additionally, it can serve as a basis for discussing specific accomplishments and areas for further development during the performance review discussion.

Phrases for employee strengths and weaknesses

Employee strengths and weaknesses can be gauged in a performance review through objective metrics, self-assessment, manager evaluation, 360-degree feedback, performance appraisal forms, behavioral interviews, and skill assessments. These methods provide a comprehensive understanding of an employee’s performance, helping to identify areas of excellence and areas needing improvement.

When phrasing employee strengths and weaknesses during a performance review, it’s important to be specific, objective, and constructive. Here are some tips:

  1. Be Specific: Use concrete examples and evidence to support your assessments rather than generalizations.
  2. Focus on Behaviors: Describe observable behaviors and actions rather than making assumptions about personality traits.
  3. Use Positive Language: Frame strengths positively to acknowledge achievements and motivate further development. For weaknesses, use constructive language that emphasizes opportunities for improvement.
  4. Provide Context: Consider the employee’s role, responsibilities, and the organization’s goals when evaluating strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Offer Support: For weaknesses, suggest strategies for improvement and offer resources or training opportunities to help the employee develop.
  6. Balance: Recognize that every employee has strengths and weaknesses, and aim to provide a balanced assessment that acknowledges both.
  7. Remove bias:Removing bias from reviews involves objectively evaluating employees’ performance based on measurable criteria and avoiding subjective judgments or preconceived notions.

Take a look at the following examples on how employee strengths and weaknesses can be phrased during a performance review cycle.

Performance review strength

Example Phrases for addressing employee strengths:

Performance review weakness

Example Phrases for addressing employee weaknesses:

Now that you know how to conduct performance reviews and phrase feedback in a way that is useful to employees and managers, read through the examples below to find the phrases you need for all situations.

Performance review career goals examples

Although performance reviews can be stressful for managers and employees alike, they provide an excellent opportunity to connect with employees and understand their career aspirations. By engaging in these discussions, managers can gain valuable insights into employees’ goals and preferences, helping to align organizational objectives with individual development paths. This proactive approach fosters a supportive and collaborative work environment, ultimately benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

Performance review phrases collaboration

Giving employees feedback on collaboration is crucial. It helps improve teamwork, resolves conflicts, and builds trust. Feedback also guides continuous learning and ensures everyone is working towards the same goals.

Use these phrases to give employees constructive performance review feedback on collaboration.

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Below Expectations

performance review software

Performance review teamwork phrases

During a performance review cooperation and teamwork are among the most important qualities that need to be evaluated. Check out these performance review comments on teamwork and choose the ones to ask employees during your next evaluation period.

Performance review phrases for teamwork

Meets expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases professionalism

Professionalism isn’t just a quality; it’s also an attitude. A professional attitude can make working together much easier. Because of this, professionalism may also be evaluated during a review. In addition to phrases to evaluate professionalism in the workplace, this list also contains commitment performance review phrases.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases attendance

Recognizing employees for their punctuality and consistent attendance is crucial. Positive phrases may include highlighting their on-time arrivals, reliability in meeting deadlines, and adherence to company policies. This acknowledgment fosters a culture of reliability and contributes to a smooth workflow.

Attendance and punctuality performance review sample

Here’s a sample performance review comment addressing attendance and punctuality:

“Jane consistently maintains excellent attendance and punctuality, setting a reliable example for the team. Her consistent presence ensures that team meetings start promptly and deadlines are met without delay. Jane’s dedication to punctuality greatly contributes to the smooth operation of our department.”

Employee performance review phrases attendance

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

time tracking software

Performance review comments quality of work

Providing employees with feedback about productivity and quality of work is essential for their professional growth and contribution to organizational goals. By using performance review phrases tailored to productivity and quality of work, managers can offer specific guidance and set clear expectations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in the workplace.

Productivity and quality of work performance review examples

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

performance review demo

Performance review phrases adaptability

Providing employees with feedback about adaptability is crucial because it helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement in navigating changes and uncertainties within the workplace. By acknowledging adaptability through feedback, employees are encouraged to embrace new challenges, learn from experiences, and develop resilience, ultimately contributing to their professional growth and the overall success of the organization.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review communication skills comments

Providing employees with feedback about communication is essential as it enhances teamwork, collaboration, and organizational effectiveness. Through performance review comments on communication and interpersonal skills, managers guide employees to understand how their communication impacts work relationships. By using performance appraisal communication skills examples and evaluation phrases, managers help employees improve their ability to convey ideas, resolve conflicts, and foster positive relationships.

Performance review phrases communication skills

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases for innovation and creativity

Providing employees with feedback about innovation and creativity is crucial for fostering a culture of innovation within the organization. By acknowledging and encouraging innovative thinking through feedback, employees are motivated to generate new ideas, solve problems creatively, and drive positive change. This feedback helps employees understand the value of their innovative contributions and reinforces a culture that values creativity, ultimately leading to improved organizational performance.

Creativity performance review phrases

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Accountability performance review phrases

Providing employees with feedback on accountability encourages responsibility, trust, and high performance, contributing to your company’s success.

Performance review accountability

In performance reviews, accountability is crucial for assessing employees’ reliability and commitment to their roles. Feedback on accountability evaluates their ability to take ownership of their work, meet deadlines, and fulfill commitments. It reinforces the importance of responsibility and reliability while setting clear expectations for future performance. By recognizing instances of accountability and addressing areas for improvement, managers cultivate a culture of trust and integrity within the organization, ultimately leading to improved employee engagement and productivity.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review customer focus

Providing employees with feedback about customer focus is crucial as it reinforces the importance of prioritizing customer needs and customer satisfaction. This feedback aligns employee behavior with organizational goals, empowers employees to understand the impact of their interactions on customer experiences, and improves customer retention and business outcomes.

Performance review phrases for customer focus

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases decision making

Providing employees with feedback about problem-solving and decision-making skills is essential for fostering innovation and efficiency. By acknowledging strengths and addressing areas for improvement, feedback empowers employees to develop critical thinking and sound judgment, leading to better problem resolution and increased productivity. Use these performance review phrases tailored to decision-making and problem-solving to provide employees with specific and actionable feedback.

Performance review phrases problem solving

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases for dependability

Providing employees with feedback about dependability is crucial for maintaining trust and efficiency within the organization. It reinforces the importance of reliability and meeting deadlines, helping employees understand how their performance impacts team dynamics and productivity. By addressing areas needing improvement, feedback empowers employees to enhance their dependability and contribute more effectively to organizational success, fostering a culture of accountability and reliability.

Performance review phrases reliability

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases integrity

Providing employees with feedback about integrity is crucial for upholding trust and ethical standards within the organization. It reinforces the importance of honesty, transparency, and adherence to organizational values, helping employees understand the impact of their actions on the workplace culture and reputation. Addressing any integrity concerns empowers employees to uphold ethical standards and contribute to a positive work environment, fostering honesty and trustworthiness throughout the organization.

Performance appraisal phrases for integrity

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases flexibility

Feedback on flexibility in performance reviews is important as it encourages employees to adapt to change and new ideas. It helps create a culture of innovation and agility in the organization. Ultimately, addressing flexibility promotes individual growth and organizational success.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review for leadership

Providing employees with feedback about leadership skills during performance reviews is essential for their career growth and the organization’s success. This feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement in leading teams and projects, aligning their behavior with organizational goals and values. By addressing any gaps in leadership capabilities, feedback empowers employees to enhance their skills and positively impact team performance, fostering a culture of effective leadership within the organization.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

performance software

Performance review comments initiative

Providing feedback on initiative during performance reviews is important because it encourages employees to take action and contribute ideas. It helps create a culture where employees feel empowered to drive progress and innovation. Ultimately, addressing initiative promotes success for both individuals and the organization.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Employee performance review comments job knowledge

Giving employees feedback about job knowledge during performance reviews is essential to ensure they have the skills needed for their roles. It reinforces the importance of continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends. Addressing job knowledge promotes competence, growth, and excellence within the organization.

Performance review job knowledge phrases

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

hiring software

Planning and organizing performance review phrases

Giving feedback on planning and organizing during performance reviews helps employees work more efficiently. It reminds them to set goals, prioritize tasks, and manage time effectively. Improving these skills leads to better results for the organization.

Meets or exceed expectations

Below expectations

Performance review phrases time management

Giving feedback on time management during performance reviews helps employees work more efficiently and meet deadlines. It reminds them to prioritize tasks and manage their workload effectively. Improving time management skills leads to better performance and outcomes for the organization.

Performance review time management phrases

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

track time

Performance review phrases attitude

Providing feedback on attitude during performance reviews is important for a positive workplace. It emphasizes the value of teamwork and productivity, helping employees understand how their behavior affects colleagues and the organization’s culture.

Meets or exceeds expectations

Below expectations

Performance review closing comments

Ending a performance review with closing comments is an opportunity to summarize key points, express appreciation, and set expectations for the future.

Here’s how you could do it:

“Thank you for your dedication and commitment throughout this review process. Your hard work and achievements are greatly valued and appreciated. As we move forward, I encourage you to continue building on your strengths and addressing areas for improvement. Thank you again for your contributions to our team.”

For a simple, yet effective method of employee evaluation, download this free 9 box grid template or this free 360 degree feedback template.

Performance evaluation software

Conducting performance reviews can consume a significant amount of your valuable time and require considerable effort to ensure efficiency. Consequently, they are often overlooked or not taken seriously. However, they are among the most useful tools for enhancing workforce productivity and fostering teamwork, thereby sustaining the organization in the long term.

The most effective way to conduct performance reviews is through HR (human resources) software. Factorial, an HR software solution, offers a comprehensive set of performance management tools and analytics. To learn more about how Factorial can streamline your HR processes by centralizing them in a single platform—rather than scattered across spreadsheets, emails, and paperwork—book a demo to chat with an HR product specialist by clicking the banner below or the button in the top right corner!

performance review software

Did you like this article? Benjamin McBrayer has been a Content Writer for 5 years. He specializes in HR strategy and workplace trends. Check out Factorial's blog for more of his posts on time management in the office, productivity, and HR news.

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