Example childminding safeguarding policy

The Children Act 2004 and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 define safeguarding and promoting children and young people’s welfare as:

Child protection is the activity undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.

Safeguarding action may be needed to protect children (and parents) from:

Honour Based Abuse (HBA) is violence and abuse in the name of honour, covering a variety of behaviours (including crimes), mainly but not exclusively against females, where the person is being punished by their family and/or community for a perceived transgression against the ‘honour’ of the family or community, or is required to undergo certain activities or procedures in ‘honour’ of the family.

My first responsibility and priority is towards the children in my care. If I have any cause for concern I will report it following the All Wales Child Protection Procedures. The relevant local procedures that are held by me are available on request. I understand that child abuse can be in the form of any of the above bullet points or a mixture of these. I must notify CIW of any allegations of abuse, which are alleged to have taken place while the child is in my care. I will follow the steps contained in the ‘ Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 ’ guidance.

I keep up to date with child protection issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training courses and by reading relevant publications. This helps me to be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse or neglect and what to do if I have a concern.

I am aware that it is my responsibility to ensure due regard in preventing people being drawn into terrorism, remaining alert to any reason for concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere, including awareness of the expression of extremist views. (Prevent Duty)

I have copies of, and am familiar with, the LSCB procedures.

If I am concerned about a child’s welfare, I will contact the local authority First Contact Team, the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY), or other relevant support services for advice. Confidentiality will be assured only when it is clear that there is no risk of harm to a child. I follow the procedures outlined in my Confidentiality Policy. I aim to share all information with parents but in some instances (where I am worried about a child’s wellbeing) I may have to refer concerns without discussing this with you.

Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential and only shared with people who need to know this information.

Parents must notify me of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child, which will be recorded.

I work together with parents to make sure the care of their child is consistent.

I will implement the LSCB procedures, without delay to minimise any risk to the child. I will keep a factual record of the concern and will ask the parents for an explanation, providing it would not put the child at risk. Iwill call the local social services duty desk immediately if it is known that a child is at risk of harm.

The standards for registered childminders in Wales require me to let CIW know of any concerns that I have reported without delay.

If a child tells me that they or another child is being abused, I will:

The use of mobile phones, cameras and any other electronic device used for recording images

I understand that mobile phones are an everyday part of life for parents and childminders and, with that in mind, I have laid out my procedure for their use:

If an allegation is made against me, I will report it to CIW and social services, following the Safeguarding Children Board procedures. I will also contact PACEY’S Information Line on 0800 169 4486 for advice and support.

In all instances I will write a detailed record of all related incidents, including what was said and by whom, with times and dates. I will ask any witnesses (if there were any) to also write a statement detailing the incident they witnessed and giving their contact details in case it needs to be followed up by the authorities.


Local Social Services duty desk - 0800 328 4432

Bedwas Police Station - 01633 838 111

CIW - 01443 848450

PACEY Information Line - 0300 003 0005

PACEY Wales Office - 08458 801 299

NSPCC Child Protection helpline - 0808 800 5000

Workforce and Child Development Officer - 02920 760 769

Caerphilly Safeguarding Children board - 0808 1000 727

Out of hours Safeguarding board - 0800 3284 432

Caerphilly Early Years Team - 01443 863 426